Mindful Monday Meetings (Zoom)
$177.00 / On Sale
Every First(ish) Monday of the Month 12-1 PM EST on ZOOM
2025 Dates: : 1/6, 2/3, 3/10, 4/7, 5/5, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4, 9/8, 10/6, 11/3, 12/1
Begin your week with intention and reflection. These sessions always offer time for prompted writing and can include guided meditation, attention to breath, short readings and poetry as "ways in" to our writing. We use writing as a tool for mindfulness and share practices and teachings to guide us through the month ahead.
There is time within these meetings to share original writing and ideas. This group provides support and invites you find your own unique and expressive voice. It is a beautiful way to start the month from a grounded and creative place.